This is WHO WE ARE

Any just commentary on the Clement family has to start with the fact that we are all right even when we disagree with each other.  In most cases, we are correct until we just can’t take the decibel level of the discussion and excuse ourselves.  Leading to the false axiom that the loudest is the rightest.  One might make the case that this is not the Clement way at all but the Whites (my mother being Leah Rebecca White).
Mom is an excitable emotional thrower of words and hands.   Occasionally some would joke that if one was to just hold down her hands she would be entirely unable to utter a word.  It was her gift as well as a curse.   She once admired Helen Johnson who was known for her quiet voice and manners.  She openly told Helen that she wished she were as reserved as she.   Helen quickly replied that she always wished she were able to speak her mind that way Mom did.

Arguing is our milieu.  Even early recollections support this.   Parenting has changed somewhat because parents generally did not argue or discuss adult topics in front of their children like they do today.  As an example, Mom and Dad used to close themselves off into the kitchen and 3-4 of us children would huddle by the door trying to evesdrop.  Alas, we could never make out any actual words.  All we could make out was tones of voices.

It was all reminiscent of the Charlie Brown animated classics.  The adults in those shows never uttered actual words but were represented by muted trumpets with maybe a touch of blubbering lips.  Except in our case, one was high pitched and fast while the other was low and slow.  It was like a little lap dog yapping at a tuba.

We have expanded on this over the years.  For newcomers, our family gatherings are very intense and overwhelming because we don't just sit around and smile at each other.   Mortal combat in the form of conversation is just how we do things.   Sometimes we all wish it were different, but I say embrace it and build on it.    Italian and Greek families are loud so why can't we be loud?


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